Industrial Cybersecurity Experts
Gray Man Cyber exists to bridge the knowledge and experience gap between Information Technology (IT), Operational Technology (OT) and Automation professionals through education. We'll augment your staff and teach them Industrial Cybersecurity best practices.
We have successful working relationships with automation vendors, end system owners, System Integrators (SI's) and educational institutes.
Over two decades of experience with Industrial Automation and Security. We verify and validate solutions before we make recommendations, which is a model for building trust.
For the IT professional, you want to apply network and application security methods that you already know to Industrial Automation Control Systems (IACS).
We educate IT professionals how to relate their knowledge for securing the IACS space.
For the Automation and Operational Technology professional, you want to secure Industrial Automation Control Systems (IACS) but traditional security methods are not part of your background and training.
We've taught many Automation professionals how to secure their Industrial zone assets.
We educate our clients how to conduct risk and vulnerability assessments.
We teach our clients how to implement security controls within their Industrial system space.
Our goal is to work with IT and Automation teams so they can be self-sufficient.
This goal leads to a collaborative relationship and it works.
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